Monday 8 June 2009

How did Mao use totalitarianism?

Mao controlled almost everything in China, including; all social, political, economic, cultural and intelectuall activities. He created a totalitarianism state in China, where he set rules by which people lived by. At his birth, Emperor Yuan ruled China in Qing dynasty, which controlled China ever since 1644. Members that were in the Qing dynasty were called Manchu's.  Most Chinese people accepted the rule from Manchu's and illegal secret societies were formed, in aim to weaken the government. The societies fought over  "Taiping", that was let by  Hung Hsiu-Ch'uan. Millions of peasants joined the armies,and took over most of Southern China and Nanjing. The could have defeated the government, if the west didn't come up with armies and soldiers. They were against China to become strong.These forces defeated the Taiping.

  An example of how Mao used totalitarianism, was by launching the Great Leap Forward aiming to improve economy by developing industry and agriculture. Everyone, including intellectuals, professionals, workers... etc were required to work in the communes, in factories and mines, and on projects. It soon appeared to be a failure--instead of increasing industry, it brought shortages of food, raw materials, and exhaustion of the workfore. The situation worsend  because of the harvest and bad weather, which Mao refused to hear. Instead of refusing, he should have helped them in some way as he had total control of the state. In 1959 and 1969, widespread food shortages come up, mostly in rular areas. Over 14 to 20 million people died of starvation China, fortunately recieves support-- political support. Seven million tonnes of grain were exported (1958-59). Meanwhile, China strengthens its foreign policies announcing that Taiwan will be set free, and starts launching propaganda. Relationship between SU begin to cool down. By 1960 Soviets recall all their advisers and technicians from China and cancel economic support.

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