Sunday 7 June 2009

What is totalitarianism ?

Totalitarianism meant total control over everything; total control in every aspect of life, so that there is no privacy at all, nor independent organizations. A totalitarian government took control over every individual's life - religion, family life, economy, education... leaders of the totaliarian government were too obsessed with total control, that they didn't just eliminate their enemies but also their assistants that helped them because they saw them as a menace. Sometimes they created their own enemies, even thought they really didn't have them-- they made enemies from their friends. 

A totalitarian society was a society constantly looking towards some goal. The totalitarian state never reached it's final goal. As soon as one goal was reached, it was replaced by another. However, illusion is what gave them the strength to move on. Totalitarianism, all in all meant a lasting revolution, a revolution that simply went on forever. 

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